Monday, 3 February 2014

Why Optimize A Joomla Website

Google does not respond well to slow loading sites which eventually leads to a low rank for your website. These multiple variables affect negatively should you have a slow opening websites. In other words, it is important to make the sites fast in the beginning stages of creation. This post explains why and how to fathom in Joomla Website Development.

So...When Should I Consider The Website Speed?
It is important for all involved in the design and developing process to consider the speed. Why because, multiple large banners can slow down the site considerably. Any web designer who consider speed factor shouldn't upload 20 megapixel images to the front page of the website and must understand the importance of learning how to resize images for web. Ideally, 800x600px is a good size but large images can slow down the performance of the website immensely.

How Can You Do Optimization For Ecommerce Website?

Default Joomla has lot of potential to be optimized for speed and performance. Keep Joomla and Joomla extensions updated (as such Joomla 2.5 or 3) as a website performs better in a newer version.

Another optimisation tool is deactivating extensions you are not using on your site. Cleaning up of CSS codes can result in a highly boosted Joomla performance in terms of decreased http requests and total page size.

If you have 20 or 30 extensions activated and when extensions slow down a site considerably, deactivate or delete the ones you are not using.
Simplify the look of your website as much as possible get rid of flashy things such as images and slideshows, make it static.

Try to use as few as possible external sources, e.g. twitter and facebook feeds as it takes more loading time from external locations which results in uncontrollable load times.

For HTML images, never ask the browser to scale a big picture for you. Instead, use JCE editor to make auto thumbs or upload your thumbnails manually.

Openwave, as a Website Development Company, we offer to hire the best developers and drastically reduce your cost. To know more about the solution we offer and price for the same Contact us on (212)209-1537.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making reference to these & very well explain post. Something new to understand from this useful post.
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