Showing posts with label Mobile CMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile CMS. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Planning Your Mobile E-Commerce Website? Watch For Design Factors

In USA average consumer spends about 15 hours a week looking for products on Smartphone or tablet of which 40% of them do shopping. So no wonder, mobile ecommerce has taken an important role gradually becoming one of the major sales tools for multichannel stores.

Ecommerce website design with mobile capabilities greatly affects shopping cart functionality. Before you decide which technology to adopt for your mobile ecommerce shopping cart, here are the basic insightful feeds for high conversion rates.

Design Factors In Mobile Ecommerce For High Conversion Rates

Responsive Layout

Whilst gaining popularity among iPhone, iPad, and Android OS, this ecommerce web development technology can change the attitude of your consumer towards online shopping.

Creating a responsive site means defiled to three characteristics:

1. A single URL to browse all website content.

2. A responsive web design template is user friendly

3. Responsive website layout suffers slow loading due to additional css codes

Responsive Themes And Plug-In

If you have an ecommerce website already running on Wordpress, Joomla, Magento, PrestaShop and wanted to establish yourself but on a limited budget, better opt with open source Wordpress responsive theme. This technology has some characteristics:

1. Activating responsive CMS plug-in is easy and fast.

2. CMS version should be tested with the WordPress responsive plug-in.

3. The theme or plug-in must follow web 2.0 standard to avoid loading issue.

Mobile Ecommerce Website Builder

Powered by Mobile CMS, a mobile website includes features like mobile shopping cart payment gateway system, content and buttons. The obvious characteristics include:

1. Creativity and the sense of uniqueness

2. Additional mobile sales features to enhance user experience.

3. Acceptable mobile website speed

4. Requires a sub-domain that re-directs desktop users to mobile phones.

To conclude, mobile presence always helps you generate more sales and leads. For all those planning to revamp your web 2.0 website, Give a thought to it soon.