1. Data Probability
Internet being the classic walled gardens of the web, since the inception of Web 2.0 development, developers have made a been a gradual shift toward portability and many of the once guilty parties are taking steps to enable you to take your data with you wherever you choose. When Facebook got hip to data portability, this became a true trend considering a death knell to any web app hoping to make a buck while keeping user data proprietary.
2. Preparing for HTML5
If you're not preparing for HTML5, then you are sure to be obsolescence. With many features like Video playback, geolocation, drag-and-drop media and more make many of the oldest bastions of web plugins redundant- this is the future of web. Even the World Wide Web Consortium ratifies the HTML5 standard makes way for talk of Web 3.0.
3. Flat Web Design
The look of web applications is changing with respect to people wanted text with shadows, the 3D effects and elaborate fonts and design elements. One of the important aspects of using this is because it helps users scan a page and quickly find what they need without the interruption of design elements getting in the way. More the “flat” design used, the looks getting cleaner, lines being bolder and the colours richer.
4. Focus More Mobile Functionality
With time, web apps and mobile apps are becoming indistinguishable from one another with a click to installation on to your Android or iOS device. But some of the best mobile implementations have avoided coding unique apps and focused on the mobile functionality of their web apps.
All the above mentioned trends help keep visitors on a web page longer because they’re curious and it’s a novelty.